Zentrum für Tibetischen Buddhismus, Heilmethoden und Flüchtlingshilfe
Six examples of the
illusion that teach impermanence
Look at the objects there appearing outside
Impermanent, like last night's dream
Remembering the dream, confusion makes me sad
Have you cut through confusion, Rechungpa?
Take a look back here at your own body
Impermanent, like a city of Gandharvas
The body's growth and decay make me sad
Have you cut birth and death, Rechungpa?
Have you cut through confusion, Rechungpa?
Look at perceiving mind, here on the inside
Impermanent, like a bird in the trees
It doesn't stay where you put it this makes me sad
Have you seized mind's fortress, Rechungpa?
When I think of this, I remember the divine Dharma.
Take a good look now at breath moving inside
Impermanent, like light mist at dawn
Watching the mist disappear makes me sad
Have you found what's pure in the movement, Rechungpa?
When I think of this, I remember the divine Dharma.
Take a good look now at your circle of friends
Impermanent, like crowd at a fair
Friends will certainly part - this makes me sad
Have you improved your relations, Rechungpa?
When I think of this, I remember the divine Dharma.
Take a look at the wealth you've hoarded away
Impermanent, like the honey of the bees
Your food eaten by another this makes me sad
Have you opened your mind's treasure, Rechungpa?
When I think of this, I remember the divine Dharma.
Under the guidance of Khenpo Tsultrim Gyatso
translated by Ari Goldfield, Dec 21, 1999